1. Python – on the rise

The past 15 years have seen a steady rise in the popularity of Python. Python has also increased the index significantly this year and is considered one of the most popular programming languages. Over the past couple of years, it has managed to rank in the top 5 of the TIOBE index.
Recommended reading Python or JavaScript. The most important differences
As the primary language behind some of the most promising technologies such as AI, machine learning, Big Data, and robotics, Python has amassed a huge fan base in recent years. You will be surprised to learn how easy it is to learn Python, which is why many experienced developers choose Python as their second or third language.
Career Opportunity: Software Engineer, Software Developer, Web Developer, Quality Assurance Engineer, Data Science.
2. JavaScript

Whatever you think of it, JavaScript is the # 1 language on the web, and sooner or later you will have to face it. Maybe you shouldn’t delay it?
Countless JavaScript frameworks and convenience libraries (Angular, React, jQuery, Vue) have made it even more popular, but the language itself is capable of a lot. In fact, JavaScript takes over all the actions on the client side, allows you to control the interface and significantly offloads the server.
On the other side of the barricades, the language has also broken through – take a look at the Node.js server platform and its many modules.
Difficulty: low. Great for beginners.
Prospects: huge.
3. Java – continues to dominate

Over the past few years, Java has remained at the top of the ranking of the most popular programming languages.
Recommended to read Java programming language books
A large number of well-known companies use Java for software and application development, so if you know Java, you definitely won’t have to look for a job long. The main reasons for Java’s popularity are its portability, scalability, and large user community.
Career Opportunity: Web developer, application developer, Android developer, EJB programmer, software developer, tester, etc.
4. C # is a favorite in-game developer

C # is a modern object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft to compete with Java, which was heavily used by business software developers at the time. It was designed for developing applications on Microsoft platform and needs .NET Framework for Windows to work.
You can use C # to develop just about anything, but the language is especially effective for desktop applications and Windows games. After steadily declining in popularity over the past two years, C # seems to finally pick up steam as it has moved up one place this year, pushing away Visual Basic .NET.
Career Opportunity: Game Developer, Application Developer
Dennis McAlister Ritchie, an American computer scientist, was involved in the creation of the C programming language from 1967 to 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs.
5. C still quite popular

The C language is still quite popular. It is widely used in systems programming. It is older than Java but does not give up its positions.
Dennis Ritchie, by the way, also created the world famous UNIX operating system. He did this together with his longtime colleague Ken Thompson.
If you compare the popularity of Dennis Ritchie with the popularity of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, it turns out that there is almost nothing to compare. But few can compare with him in what contribution he made to the world of information technology. Every programmer should know about this.
6. C ++ continues to dominate

The popular object-oriented programming language was developed in the 1980s and is still found in many systems today, from desktop web applications to server infrastructure. C ++ is still in demand due to its flexibility, performance, and the many contexts in which you can use it.
A career in C ++ usually involves developing desktop applications focused on performing tasks that require high performance. Proficiency in C ++ can provide a deeper understanding of how programming languages work and help you acquire low-level memory skills.
Career opportunities: operating systems and compilers, database engines, games industry, financial platforms,
Embedded systems
7. PHP for web development

According to the TIOBE ranking, after replacing JavaScript and moving to eighth place in the ranking of the most popular programming languages in 2020, PHP has stabilized. PHP is mainly used for back-end development, which accounts for about 80% of websites on the Internet. Facebook started out with PHP and its role in the WordPress CMS makes it quite popular.
Recommended to read Python vs. PHP: Who Will Win the Ultimate Battle?
PHP offers several frameworks such as Laravel and Drupal to help developers build applications faster with greater scalability and reliability. Hence, if you’re looking for a career in web development, PHP is a good place to start.
Career Opportunity: Web Developer (Web Applications)
8. Swift

In 2010, Apple began developing a new programming language called Swift that rivals Objective-C in several areas, especially when it comes to security and better performance in hardware. Swift is supposedly over 2.6 times faster than Objective-C and over 8.4 times faster than Python.
Swift has continued to grow steadily since then, and with the release of Swift 5.0, the language is still supported by several iOS and macOS developers. Swift is now Apple’s official language and anyone looking to pursue a career as an iOS / macOS developer should learn Swift.
Career opportunity: App developer for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS.
9. Go

Go, which a programming language is created by Google in 2009 as an alternative to C and C ++, is arguably the best programming language to learn in 2020. Also known as GoLang, it is now among the best programming languages. To its extreme versatility.
Designed to be simpler, safer, and easier to write, Go has taken the programming world by storm since its release. It’s relatively easy to learn for beginners – a rarity among statically typed languages - and offers very understandable code syntax.
As a modern language, Go offers some advantages that make it quite favorable over older languages such as Java and Python. These include:
Its speed. When it comes to speed, Go is comparable to C languages. This makes it very useful for things like website development.
Its ease of use. However, unlike C languages, Go is very easy to use. Its code makes sense, and it’s easy to imagine what a block of code will do before executing it.
Add to that the security aspect and you have a language that seems to be here to stay.
If you want to get started with Go, either as a native language or as a language to add to your developer’s toolkit, Online courses.
10. Ruby

The Ruby language was created by Yukihiro Matsumoto in the mid-1990s in Japan. Ruby programming is fun. If you’ve tried the Ruby on Rails web framework, then you’ll understand me.
Languages such as Perl, Ada, Lisp, and Smalltalk have influenced Ruby. This language was created with the expectation that it would be quick and pleasant to write programs in it.
Ruby is mainly used when developing web applications. In particular, this language is used by companies such as Twitter, Hulu and Groupon.